Land Surveying
through parent companies
The Surveyor plays an active and important role in project development, drafting and design, working closely with the Design Engineer. We approach Project Development with a comprehensive perspective with the understanding that preliminary and final design are directly related and affected by site requirements. The initial survey is integral to the design process as site specific information is gathered and transferred to the Engineer for evaluation. Our design team is skilled and proficient in AutoCAD Civil 3D, providing an efficient and accurate transfer of data for preliminary and final design, construction staking, and record drawings at the end of the project. Our Land Survey Department can meet all of your survey requirements, regardless of size and scope.
Example Projects
Jerseyville, Illinois
East Fairgrounds Avenue
Topographic survey, boundary property survey, ROW determination, legal descriptions and easement/ROW documents, establish horizontal and vertical control, and construction layout/staking for reconstruction of 1-mile of existing oil-and-chip surface street (FAU 8801) with PC concrete roadway, including horizontal and vertical realignment, storm sewer/drainage improvements, concrete curb and gutter, culvert replacements, sidewalks, utility relocations, water valve and sanitary sewer manhole adjustments, and railroad crossing improvements.
Edwardsville, Illinois
Thiems Construction – Illinois Highway 157
Establish horizontal and vertical control benchmarks, and construction layout/staking for reconstruction of over 1-mile of Illinois Highway 157.
Litchfield, Illinois
South Side Ditch Drainage Improvements Phase 1
Topographic survey, boundary property survey, ROW determination, legal descriptions and easement/ROW documents, and establish horizontal and vertical control for drainage improvements for the southeast region of the City, for a 75-acre drainage area. Evaluated existing conditions and analyzed feasible drainage system alternatives, recommending infrastructure improvements and related cost estimates, designed to alleviate flooding by improving the flow of stormwater runoff through and around the project area, including 4,500 LF of new 24-inch thru 42- inch culvert/storm sewer pipe, manholes, inlets, channel/ditch grading, rip-rap lining, roadway/driveway and sidewalk repair, and incidental utility relocation.
Jerseyville, Illinois
IDOT Highway 67 Bypass
117-parcel boundary/property survey, ROW determination, and legal descriptions in support of eventual IDOT land acquisition activities for the four-lane FAP 310 (US Highway 67) extension.